Issues and Values

Income tax must be lowered.

On average, the lowest-income families representing a whopping 20% of taxpayers in Clermont County are being taxed at nearly 60% higher than the top 1% of households.

Income Tax in Ohio

Vouchers for preschool for every child so that our children are ready to read when they reach kindergarten.

Research has identified early skills of language and literacy as important predictors for children’s school readiness.

Ohio's Early Learning & Development Standards: Birth to Kindergarten Entry

All humans should have dominion over their own bodies. Period.

The rights to bodily autonomy are slowly slipping away. This is not a political issue. This is a basic human right that is being politicized for politically-driven personal gains.

I Am Pro-Choice

Students should not have to worry about violence in schools. Teachers should not have to worry about getting a gun license.

No more normalizing the idea that teachers should have to arm themselves.

It is not normal; it is an aberration. Guns are not our future, children are.

New Richmond Exempted School District

Everytown for Gun Safety